Plantation Shutter FAQ
FAQs Contents
Click on any of the links/images below to jump to the relevant section.
If you would like help, you can choose our service to Check Measurements or an At Home Consultation
How To Measure
Firstly you need to decide if your shutter is being fitted to the face of the architraves, or within the window reveal.
For more details on specifically how to measure, please see the video above.
Measure the width of the opening that you are fitting your shutter to (for Inside Window Frame), or the outside of the architraves (for Outside Window Frame)
For more details on specifically how to measure, please see the video above.
Measure the width of the opening that you are fitting your shutter to (for Inside Window Frame), or the outside of the architraves (for Outside Window Frame)
For more details on specifically how to measure, please see the video above.
Midrail Height
For Timber: If your height is over 1800mm then please enter your desired Midrail height (measure from bottom of Shutter to middle of desired Midrail height).
For PVC: If your height is over 1600mm then please enter your desired Midrail height (measure from bottom Shutter to middle of desired Midrail height).
Inside Window Frame
The shutter is being fitted within the window reveal.
Outside Window Frame
The shutter is being fitted on the face of the architraves.
Louvre Size
64mm Louvres (Slimline)
89mm Louvres (Traditional)
Louvre Rotation Method
Tilt Rod
Open and close your louvres using a vertical rod which runs down the centre of each plantation shutter panel.
Open and close your louvres using the blades only, this means no vertical rod obstructing your view (Preferred Option).